Today, Fr Paul reads from the Gospel of John (21: 1-14) in which Jesus shows himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberius and after they haul in a miraculous catch of fish, he cooks them breakfast on the shore.  Fr Paul says, today, we hear about the disciples being reunited with their Risen Lord but, as with so many encounters with the Risen Lord, the disciples have trouble recognising Jesus.  He is the same person but mysteriously changed.The Gospel we read today is part of the epilogue or the ending, the conclusion of John’s Gospel and, Fr Paul notes, if we read a little further into the final paragraphs we hear of Peter’s restoration when he makes a triple declaration of love and loyalty after he denied Jesus three times.  It also repeats the call to the disciples to ‘follow me’.  The Gospel concludes with Jesus nourishing the Church. He feeds them at a picnic breakfast.With this beautiful image in mind, Fr Paul expresses his desire, if he ever finds himself in the Holy Land, to simply have a fish breakfast by the sea and imagine and know that Christ was sitting with him.